
The full programme committee will be published soon!

Programme Committee
  • Dexter Kozen (Chair) Cornell University
  • (TBA)
Organizing Commitee
Steering Committee
  • Samson Abramsky
  • Agata Ciabattoni
  • Anuj Dawar
  • Helle Hvid Hansen
  • Juliette Kennedy
  • Ulrich Kohlenbach
  • Daniel Leivant
  • Leonid Libkin
  • Lawrence Moss
  • Luke Ong
  • Valeria de Paiva
  • Elaine Pimentel
  • Ruy de Queiroz
  • Andre Scedrov
  • Alexandra Silva
  • Renata Wassermann
Advisory Committee
  • Johan van Benthem
  • Joe Halpern
  • Wilfrid Hodges
  • Angus Macintyre
  • Hiroakira Ono
  • Jouko Väänänen